Sunday, August 1, 2010

TV Clemency and Why I'm Perfect for Logitech

TV Clemency... for now.

I'll hold off on killing a TV for ONE MORE DAY. Then, I'm catching up in a hurry. Unless my simple requirement is met (becoming the Logitech Host with the Most) I'll kill THREE HELPLESS TVs TOMORROW, Monday the 2nd of August.

In other news, WHO could POSSIBLY be BETTER for this JOB than ME?

Remember when Rocketboom interviewed ME about the future of YouTube? I do.

(HINT: I'm the guy in the labcoat and goggles. My sound bites start at 0:59 and 1:32)

Molly and Rocketboom.

This was at VidCon 2010, the first annual gathering of the biggest YouTubers, fans, and emerging industry folk. It... was... AWESOME. I had a blast, learned a ton, and met some of the biggest and brightest in the YouTube world, including iJustine, Hank Green, Michael Buckley, the amazing guys from RootBerry, just to name a few! RootBerry isn't HUGE yet, but mark my words, they will be, because THEY ARE SO RAD. Seriously, check them out. All these folks will for sure get an invite to the Logitech Loft if I make it there.

Ah, the perks of being The Orabrush Guy. It really was great being there.

Anyway, my question is, where were the other people who are gunnin' for the LA loft? I mean, this was IN LA! I'm in the THICK of it, this social media business is in my BLOOD.

Figuratively speaking.

The point is, I'm in it eyeball deep. I'm the best for the job. The end.

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